Health care is the perfect segment for the use of Solid Surface. The challenges faced by the infection control departments of the health care institutions in this country is close to insurmountable. Through the use of Solid Surface for wall clad, counter tops and cabinetry, we can help these facilities get a handle on infectious disease. We are working closely with DuPont Corian to develop new ideas to control the spread of the new anti-biotic resistant infections.
We have a long standing relationship with Baystate Hospital. We have performed all types of work, from small maintenance to capital projects, over the last 12 years or more. We have been able to adjust our services to the facilities needs, for instance, working late nights in the ER to stay out of the way or early mornings to not interfere with meetings in a board room. We have experimented with infection control problems as well as damage control for walls.
Mercy Hospital came to us after they received good feedback from work we were doing at Baystate Hospital. We have worked in all areas of the hospital whether through our millwork partners or directly for the facility. They continue to be a great customer and we will strive to be the best vendor they can find.
The work we provide Yale - New Haven Hospital has always come through our millwork partners. These projects have ranged from just a few pieces to large capital improvement projects. We hope to expand our role at Yale - New Haven Hospital in the future to include a more direct relationship to provide a more diverse offering of services.
Cooley Dickinson Hospital is really the facility right in our back yard. We have always been able to provide a varied list of services to the hospital through our millwork partners. We feel a sense of pride to provide our services to a facility that we use for our families health care needs.
Bay State Hospital
Mercy Hospital
Yale-New Haven Hospital
Cooley Dickinson Hospital
Harrington Hospital
Kaiser Permanente
Trump Tower Health Spa
Georgetown Medical School
Tufts University Medical School
Brigham's and Woman's Hospital
Westfield Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital
D'Amour Cancer Center